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Finished products in rubber srl places no limitations on the range of high-performance materials to meet the clients’ demands. Rubber is a ductile material, it can be stretched and go back to its initial length when the traction ends. It is therefore very flexible.

Vulkollan is a polyurethane elastomer and is obtained when a polyester derived from adipic acid and ethylene glycol is combined with naphthenic diisocyanathe and a cross linking agent. Its chemical nature is therefore definite and does not contain wither plasticizers or inert substances. The hardness range goes from 64 Shore A to 60 Shore D and is obtained by changing the product composition, allowing us to replicate the physic-chemical characteristics.
The reason why Vulkollan’s popularity is growing is its nature of high-tenacity elastomer, which grants him characteristics such as elasticity, high breaking loads, flexibility, great elongation at fracture and resistance to abrasion. The advantages of natural and synthetic rubber, like elasticity, are combined with those of plastic materials such as polyamide, like high resistance and hardness. srl works with the best materials according to the client’s needs and demands.

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